Stefan Heidenreich has written several books on data streams, digital culture and art including Flipflop (Hanser, Munich 2004) and Was verspricht die Kunst (Berlin 1998). His main focus of interest lies in digital data streams and visual culture.
He is currently editor of the website, teaches at the Helmholtz-Zentrum, Humboldt-University in Berlin, works as a photographer (Cr&sh) and freelance writer for the FAZ, NZZ, Tagesspiegel, taz newspapers.
Stefan's forthcoming book, Mehr Geld (Merve, Berlin 2005) is on the digital economy and his PhD thesis entitled Bilder sortieren, which will also soon be published, deals with sorting images in renaissance mnemotechnics and digital search engines.
Stefan Heidenreich Berlin, February 24th 2007, 18:30 - 19:00 Download
Eine kurze Ökonomie des Kriegs als Dienstleistung: Was wird beim Krieg verdient. Wer bietet den Service an. Zu welchem Preis. Wer kauft. Wer zahlt. Wie sieht der Markt aus.